Guidefitter Spotlight Episode 01: Tim Goalen, Founder/CEO, Klean Freak, No More Baby Wipes!

Oct 30, 2023

Welcome to the first episode of the Guidefitter Spotlight, hosted by our Founder/CEO Bryan Koontz. In this special episode, Bryan sits down with Tim Goalen, the visionary founder and CEO of Klean Freak—a brand revolutionizing personal hygiene for outdoor enthusiasts.


Why Watch This Episode?

  • Discover why Klean Freak is a game-changer in personal hygiene for those who love hunting, fishing, camping, and working out outdoors.
  • Learn about the journey and inspiration behind Klean Freak from Tim Goalen himself.
  • Get a sneak peek into the future plans of Klean Freak and how they aim to keep you fresh and clean in all your outdoor adventures.

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Bryan Koontz (00:03) Hi, I'm Brian Koontz. The following is a conversation with Tim Golan. He's the founder and CEO of Klean Freak, a new Guidefitter partner and a brand that's redefining personal hygiene for people who love the outdoors. So if you've ever been sweaty or dirty outside, which is pretty much all of us who love the outdoors, and you hate smelling like baby wipes, then tune in for the next 20 minutes or so and learn more about Tim and his new company. We'll talk about why Tim started Klean Freak, why this product matters.

And what's in store for the future of Klean Freak, and people who want to stay fresh and clean outside while hunting, fishing, camping, working out, or all of the above. Welcome to the Guidefitter Spotlight.

Bryan Koontz (00:01) And we're on Tim Golan, Klean Freak Guy. Welcome. Doing all right, man. That's been a while since I've seen you. It was great seeing you and your wife at Outdoor Retailer in Salt Lake. That was cool. And that was the second time I've seen you when we first met. I think it was a SHOT Show earlier this year. Finally, the trade shows are back on.

Tim Goalen (00:05) What's going on, Brian? How are we doing?


Rashad show, that's right. Yeah. And then I know it's so feels so good to be back at the shows. I mean, the industry's kind of just getting back up and going. You know, obviously, COVID took a huge hit on that. And as we'll, we'll probably get into it. But I mean, I was still a very new business right back then. And so that not having shows really sucked. But getting back into it and face to face, you just can't beat face to face meetings. It's just so perfect.

Bryan Koontz (00:33) Oh god yes.

I totally agree. Yeah, I totally agree. There are a lot of brands that I've talked to that are like, I don't know if we're doing these trade shows anymore. And I understand. I think through COVID, a lot of brands were like, hey, we saved a lot of money and did we really miss a beat? But I think, I mean, you got to, there is something about just hanging out with people that you miss. So that's the F for sure. Well, look, I'm looking forward to today's conversation because what I think is really cool about your company is there, you fit into that category of brand.

Tim Goalen (01:04) Bully. Yep. I agree.

Bryan Koontz (01:15) that we run into from time to time at Guidefitter, which is cool up and coming brand, a new kind of concept or product. And I think the key is that a lot more people in the hunting and outdoor community just need to find out about it and get experience with it. And so I'm looking forward to just having you tell your story about what Klean Freak's all about. Maybe you could just start off by like, how did you come up? You're the founder. I think, yeah. How did you come up with this story? Like, you know,

Yeah, that's me.

Bryan Koontz (01:45) I'm sure it might be related to you as an outdoor recreational lover and all that. So tell us a little bit more about how you came up with this thing.

Tim Goalen (01:49) Yeah, yeah, I mean, I'm from Utah and obviously I'm here in the mountains and I grew up here and I grew up backpacking, fishing. I mean, being out in nature and enjoying, you know, God's creation here and we love it. So, I mean, I haven't always been into hunting, but recently I not recently, I mean, the last 10 years, I picked it up, picked up a bow and I started, you know, educating myself on that.

And I've kind of been self-taught in that world. My dad, he was more of a fisherman. But anyway, back in fall of 2017, I was down in Southern Utah in the Zion's unit. I was in archery hunt and chasing this mule deer and doing what we do, just bushwhacking, trying to get up to a good view to see where he beds down so that you can kind of try and descend on in. And it's Southern Utah, late August, so extremely warm.

Bryan Koontz (02:28) I'm nice.

Tim Goalen (02:44) and I'm just pouring sweat. And obviously bushwacking, you're getting a little bit dirty, which is good. But needless to say, the buck got away. And so I pulled out this, you know, 15 pack of wipes to kind of clean off my face. I've got four kids. Yeah, baby wipes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, and that's what typically every hunter uses. I mean, they got a little pack of baby wipes in them. And so anyway, I got four kids. So I just kind of.

Bryan Koontz (02:49) Sure. Yeah.

like baby wipes you mean yeah okay yeah

Tim Goalen (03:13) chucked him in my pack and you know at that time our youngest was in diapers still and I've changed enough dirty diapers to know that my wife she'll argue and she'll say I do not I didn't change any diapers but she's wrong I definitely changed my fair share.

Bryan Koontz (03:22) Hahaha

Matt, I have two kids. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah.

Tim Goalen (03:34) So there's always that argument, but anyway, that experience to me was a nightmare, changing a dirty diaper. And so all of the smells associated with it, whether it was the poop or whether it was the baby wipe, it just was all negative. So I take this wipe out and I wipe in my face and I was like, oh my gosh, this smells like, just smells horrible. And then afterward it wasn't any better. It left like a sticky residue, like a film kind of on my face. And I was just like, oh man, this is horrible. So I closed up the wipe cap.

Bryan Koontz (03:47) Yeah.

Tim Goalen (04:03) chucked it in my pack and I start getting, you know, making my way back to the truck. So I get back to the truck. It was a couple hours later. I get back to the truck and I'm wiping up. I go to wipe off some equipment and I open it back up and they had all dried out because I didn't seal it just right. Right. So I was like, oh my gosh, this is horrible. Well, I'm glad I hauled all of that weight, you know, all around for pretty much nothing. So I was like, all right, I'm going to go out and I'm going to see if I can find an individually wrap wipe.

Bryan Koontz (04:19) Yeah, right.

Tim Goalen (04:31) that, you know, because I'm only gone for a day, so I don't want to haul 15 wipes if I'm not gone. Yeah, throw a couple of my pack for, you know, that emergency stash and I tried out all sorts of wipes and nothing was cutting it. I mean, whether it was the feeling or the smell or the packaging, you know, I didn't want to dry it out because then it's a useless product. So, and that idea just kind of stuck with me and I was like, okay, again, it was 2017.

Bryan Koontz (04:35) Yeah, throw a couple in your pack or whatever. Yeah.

Tim Goalen (04:59) Finally, I'm like, all right, well, I'm just going to make it because I can't seem to find it. So I teamed up with a couple of guys that had, you know, very smart guys here in Utah. There's a lot of health and cosmetic companies. So I was able to find a really smart, intelligent guy. And it's like, okay, this is what I want it to do. It's got to do this. It's got to kill the bacteria. It can't leave a sticky film, nasty residue. I didn't want any smell.

And so he's like, all right, let's do this, this. So we had the formula. That was perfect. That was great. Now the other problem was finding the substrate is what it's called, right? That's the material that the wipe is made out of. We call it the Klean Freak Cloth. And so what we did is I had to figure that out. And that was the other hard part is figuring out that, making sure that it is 100% biodegradable and then making it large enough and then having it textured.

Bryan Koontz (05:40) Okay.

Tim Goalen (05:56) We add the texture so that actually grabs the dirt sweat grime all off your body, right? Rather than kind of smear it like a body like a baby wipe does so Anyway, we finally were able to get that figured out. We combined them We packaged it the way we wanted it to be packaged a lot of manufacturers We're like no we can we'll fold it like kind of like, you know The little napkin you get from a barbecue spot or whatever it is comes a little square package and I was like Yeah, and I was like that's

Bryan Koontz (06:04) Yeah.

Tim Goalen (06:24) Yeah, yeah, little tear-offs. Yep, that's right. Yep. So anyway, I wanted it done that way. And so we were able to finally figure it out. Let's see, fall of 2019, we did our first show. And it was actually a fitness show. After I had developed the scent-free one, I was like, I work out a little bit here and there. And so I was like, OK, this actually could work.

in this world of fitness, right? With CrossFit and everything, they do a workout and then they go run errands, right? I mean, that's what a lot of people do. They're already, especially these ladies, they're already out and about, and they gotta go Costco, go Target, whatever it is, spend money, right? And so I was like, okay, if there was a way that we could actually incorporate that. So we went down to San Diego, my wife and I, we flew down to San Diego and we tried it out. I mean, again, this is a shot in the dark, not knowing exactly how is this gonna be received? Is it?

good is it bad anyway it was such a great show it was a really good show yeah I had a lot of people that were buying it right there on the spot and people that were coming back even the next day because it was a multi-day show coming back the next day say hey I used it tonight and or last night and I really liked it so I came back to buy some more and I was like perfect okay we're on to something here right and so that was fall of 2019 yeah it was probably November of 2019 and

So we got really excited and put some more thought process into maybe some other options and other ways of packaging it. And then obviously February hit in 2020 and the world shut down. We had done. Yeah. Perfect. I had a warehouse. I had a warehouse full of wipes, even though at the time, you know, it was weird because it was antibacterial before antibacterial was even cool. Right.

Bryan Koontz (08:20) So a fantastic time, fantastic time to start a company, Tim. Yeah, yeah.

Tim Goalen (08:36) And so it was all it's always been that way trying to make sure there was a clean feeling. And so I have a warehouse full of like the Golden Egg, right? That any and every customer every hospital wanted that stuff, but I didn't have the channels of distribution open yet, right? So I didn't have like a means of getting rid of it. Nobody knew about it and I couldn't educate them on it because there were no events. So it was like anyway 2020. We kind of just.

Bryan Koontz (08:46) That's true.


Tim Goalen (09:05) scaled back, we shut the doors, and then we decided, okay, we're going to relaunch as soon as events come back and start going again, which, you know, at that time, it could have been, you know, who knew? It could have been the middle of the summer in 2020, but, low ball, it didn't, nothing kind of came up until January of 2021. It was the first week of January, so it was right after, right after

and we flew to a surf expo down in Orlando. Cause that was the first one that came back. So we're like, okay, well, let's try this out. That was fantastic again. And then I heard about another event. It was literally in Atlanta the next week at a different show. And so I flew home, unpacked, packed back up, and then flew back down to Atlanta. And then ever since then, it has just been nonstop with everything from direct to consumer shows.

Bryan Koontz (09:38) Nice.

Tim Goalen (10:01) We do a lot of, you know, Total Archery Challenges, the Overland Expos, Fitness Expos, CrossFit Games. There's a lot of, you know, direct to consumer shows where we're out educating people on the product, right? And then on top of that, we have our wholesale shows, very much like Outdoor Retailer, ICAST, you know, NBS, yeah, a lot of different shows like that.

Bryan Koontz (10:06) That's awesome.

Yeah, right.

So when you're out talking to people, I mean, you're hitting a lot of different segments. I mean, fitness and other outdoor sports like surfing all over. I can see this useful for anyone. The Guidefitter audience is obviously, as you know, pretty unique. I mean, we do have a lot of people really into fitness and we've got some partners like Mountain Tough, Dustin over at Mountain Tough. Dustin reminds me of one of those cartoon characters where you run into him and you just bounce off. Like those are the Mountain Tough people.

Tim Goalen (10:29) Mm-hmm. Yeah.

You bounce into the brick. Yep, yep, yeah.

Bryan Koontz (10:49) you know, and then Mountain Ops and all that. And so, so there is a lot of crossover now with fitness and back country fitness and hunting and all of that, but also just kind of in general for the hunting crowd, how would you, if, how would you explain that to just a hunting crowd? Like why should someone, actually I have a couple, I have a packet of these on my desk. So I, I've thrown them in my hunting pack, they're in my glove box and my truck and all that, but for the, for the hunter or the, or the.

Tim Goalen (11:08) Yeah, there.

Bryan Koontz (11:14) person who loves to go out fishing or just go camping, just those three segments, maybe start with the hunting. Why should they ditch the baby wipes? Or what's special about Klean Freak? I know they come in a bunch of scents and I've heard some folks saying, well, I don't know if I want mint scent while I'm bow hunting. So maybe just address that. I think that would be helpful. Yeah, yeah.

Tim Goalen (11:29) Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Yep, rightfully so. Yeah, yeah, I mean, typically at a lot of these, you know, Total Archery Challenge events or any hunt expos that we go to, it's a pretty easy conversation. A lot of people are like, oh, I mean, yeah, I just had my pack of baby wipes that I have and I put them in a Ziploc bag and I throw them in the pack, but yeah, they're sticky residue. It's nasty, it's a nasty smell. So it's an easy conversation for a hunter. I mean, it kind of goes back to where I thought of it, right? Individually wrapped, sealed.

three years shelf life on that. So literally you can throw it in your hunting pack. And if you don't use it this year, cause you didn't need to, you're fine next year. It's gonna be just fine. It's not gonna dry out on you. Hence the reason why we seal them, right? And individually wrap them so that they have the longevity of that. So you don't have to worry about stuff drying out and you not having a wet towelette when you need it if you're out in the middle of the mountains, right? And even on top of that, we have a lot of people that once you were successful,

Bryan Koontz (12:07) Forget about it, yeah.

Tim Goalen (12:31) and you were done field dressing and you have that great smell of guts and blood on you. This guy right here, I keep that, that's the peppermint one, right? So I keep that in the cooler back at the trailer and then after I get done with a hike, I take it out. It's nice and cold or if I'm done field dressing, that peppermint is sure to get that smell off. Like it's very strong. It's very strong in that aspect. But so yeah, but if you're out on the spot and stock or if you're out in it.

Bryan Koontz (12:37) Right, right.

That's a good idea. Yeah.

Tim Goalen (13:01) in a tree stand, definitely, I mean, I wouldn't use the peppermint. That's not going to be the best thing, I think. So, yeah, use your scent free option and then use the peppermint to kind of clean it up.

Bryan Koontz (13:04) Yeah, sure, right.

I'd say I... Yeah, this one I got. This is the Scent Free one. I grabbed the gray one. Okay, alright. Got it.

Tim Goalen (13:15) Yeah, that's a great one. Yep. That was our pioneer product. So, yeah. And then on top of that, you know, in the fishing world, we sponsor, you know, a bunch of, you know, Bassmaster Classic. We were at that expo. I cast. We sell into a lot of bait and tackle shops. Again, the peppermint, that gets the fish and grime smell off of you, right? That great smell and odor of the fish after you've gotten it, you know, you hand it all and then you're driving home. Let's say you drive an hour or two to whatever

or whatever stream or whatever lake it is, you still gotta drive back, right? And so you're able to take that peppermint out, wipe it off, freshen up, you make that drive home a little bit more tolerable, right?

Bryan Koontz (13:55) Yeah, you might still have the windows open, but at least it's not right in your face. Yeah. Well, you know, it's not everyone who just thinks of an idea and then goes for it, you know, like that started back with your whole experience while you were doing your hunting and all that. Starting a company is hard. I know. I know very well that that's really tough. Are there any times when you were, you know, putting this together that you like ran into some sort of wall and you're like...

Tim Goalen (13:59) Yeah, exactly.

Bryan Koontz (14:23) screw this or almost gave up or like, cause I mean, you know, to find a bunch of people who know how to build substrates and I just thought it was all cotton, you know, to find all this stuff and like, that's a lot. Can you just a couple minutes on that for anyone else out there that might be thinking, I got a great idea for an outdoor product.

Tim Goalen (14:37) Yeah.

And here's the thing, Brian, it's every day that I come to an obstacle that I'm like, and there are sometimes even right now. I mean, we're not out of the woods. I mean, starting a business is a roller coaster. I mean, you get that right even years into it. You've got great success. People are raving about the product. It works. You feel like you got this dynamite thing and then whammo something happens, whether it's a government shutdown covid. I mean, that was probably the biggest thing that came into our way.

Bryan Koontz (14:54) Oh yeah.


Totally. Yeah.

Tim Goalen (15:10) I'll tell you the other biggest hardest thing we have to get over is Educating people on what a body wipe is right every event that we go to we actually have some out on the table You know a hand one out to somebody who's walking by if they want to try it out. So we have them come over and

Again, they think it's like a pre-workout and there's a whole bunch of colors on there, right? So that's it looks kind of like Skittles, right? They're not on a table. So really attractive to for somebody to come over and snag a snag a sample. Anyway, they come over and they're like, oh, you know, what is this? Like a pre-workout like no, it's a body wipe and everybody's like a what like a body wipe. It's such a new item and it's kind of not used a ton and everybody's lot. Everybody's everyday life.

Bryan Koontz (15:46) Yeah.

Tim Goalen (15:56) And so educating people on that is probably been our, I would say it's a strength, but it's also a challenge. There's not a lot of competition in the market right now. It's not like we're making another supplement or another bow or another rifle or another apparel piece, right? There's not a lot of competition, which is, it's good. That means we got a lot to cover, but it's also, that means we gotta be on the road.

Bryan Koontz (16:13) Yeah, that's true.

Tim Goalen (16:24) having people try it out. And that's what we do at these events. I'll hand them an actual wipe out of the jug and say, here, try this out. And then it is awesome to see their mentality, like see their brains kind of start to click and be like, oh, there's, like, this isn't just a wipe. Yeah, yeah, a lot of people, especially with the coconut, they're always like, oh my gosh, that coconut's amazing. It feels like I'm at the beach, right? And so...

Bryan Koontz (16:37) Kind of a whoa, what is that when they smell it or they feel it?


Tim Goalen (16:48) And so the smells are pretty on point. Like we really feel good about that one. The other one that's really good is the lemongrass with citronella. We put citronella in that. So for any camper that's out there, citronella is actually so it's going to be not in that package. The citronella was it was kind of a single scent launch, right? And it's quickly rose to be a very good seller for us. And a lot of the military bases actually, that's the best seller.

Bryan Koontz (16:58) Hmm, if I got that one. Citronella.

Okay, okay.

Ah, nice. Okay.

Tim Goalen (17:17) is the citronella but obvious you know with reason they're in South Carolina where it's bugs are plenty right yeah

Bryan Koontz (17:23) Yeah, sure. Right. So for people camping, that might be a good option too. Just does it have actual citronella in the in the stuff? Ah, well, that sounds cool.

Tim Goalen (17:28) Oh, fully. Actual, yes, absolutely. Yeah. And the best part about that is that it's not like you're applying bug spray that's gonna have, you know, that sticky film again. It actually has a smooth, clean finish on you, right? But you do smell like citronella. It smells like, it does smell like bug spray, right? But you just don't have the sticky film of it. So it helps deter all of the bugs away from you.

Bryan Koontz (17:38) Yeah.

Yeah, got it.

Tim Goalen (17:53) And so that's a very good one for a camper. Obviously I wouldn't advise it for any hunter, but the camper or the overlander or somebody who's just outside mowing the lawn, that's what I use.

Bryan Koontz (18:00) Yeah, sure.

For hunting, for hunting what you said I think makes sense. Keep the unscented in your pack. If you get out there, you know, sticky in the blind or in the stand or hiking, and then keep the others, you know, hopefully you're coming out heavy and bloody, and right, back in the trailer. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Well, that's pretty awesome. So, you know, you've got the first couple versions of the product out and having success. Where do you see things going? I know that, I know you just introduced a whole new,

Tim Goalen (18:10) Fully.

Back in the trailer. Yep.

Bryan Koontz (18:35) different part of the body to be wiped, which makes total sense. Maybe you can talk on that for a minute and then talk about where do you see this whole company going. And then we'll wrap.

Tim Goalen (18:36) Oh yeah. Yup!

Yeah, so we got asked a lot, you know, hey, is this, is this flushable with the body wipe? And I was like, no, don't flush that. Like we made it ultra thick, ultra tough so that it's actually not gonna tear on your body, right? And so, you know, we made it intentionally that way. It is biodegradable. It's made out of wood pulp and plant fiber. So, I mean, it's tough, it's durable, but not flushable. And so...

Bryan Koontz (19:06) So, wait, the cloth, the substrate is made out of wood pulp and what? Plant fibers. All right.

Tim Goalen (19:12) plant fibers. Yeah. So, and again, that was another thing. I have the mentality of, you know, you pack in what you pack, pack out what you pack in, right? But there's always a time where you have an emergency, right? Where you're like, okay, I need to just kind of leave this or bury it or whatever it is. And I wanted to do that feeling, you know, guilt free. So, that's why we made it 100% biodegradable. Again, wood pulp, plant fibers, you can bury it and you're just fine. You're just good to go.

Bryan Koontz (19:34) Yeah.

Tim Goalen (19:42) So yeah, so that's the Klean Freak Cloth that we've got. But yeah, definitely don't flush it. So we finally found a substrate, again, a material that breaks down just like single ply toilet paper. And so we were able to moisten that up, again, with essential oils and all those good witch hazel, aloe, chamomile, those good ingredients so that people could.

Bryan Koontz (19:42) Okay, I see.


Tim Goalen (20:11) have something in their pack that they can flush down the RV. It's funny, we still even to this day, even just as of this last weekend, an event I was at, they're like, oh no, nothing's ever flushable. But what I did is I put one of our flusher wipes and I put it in a water bottle and I shook it up that morning, right? And then I am able to show the water bottle and I just look at the water bottle, I was like, look at that, it looks like cotton candy. That's how good it breaks down in just several hours. It just dissolves in several hours, right? So it fully is septic marine.

Bryan Koontz (20:33) Just dissolve, yeah.

Tim Goalen (20:39) safe and we didn't want to launch it until it was as such. Obviously being out there and being a lot of people there in campers or trailers or toy haulers or whatever it is right and so they want to be able to flush it or use it there. Right now so these are the individuals right. So you got your like Georgia Peach, Cascade Pine, Juicy Grapefruit, Spearmint Rush and then obviously our scent free option too as well.

Bryan Koontz (20:44) Got it.

Tim Goalen (21:07) So we added a lot of cool essential oils in there that elevate that experience even more, right? It acts almost kind of like a pooperie as well. So you throw the toilet, you're smelling grapefruit, right? So it has been very well received. We just launched it about a month ago. And yeah, it's been awesome. It's been very good. That's called the Flusher. Yeah, that's called the Flusher. Yep, just like that. Comes in a 20 pack, right? So you got 20.

Bryan Koontz (21:12) Yeah.

Okay. And what's that product called? What's that one called? The Flusher. Yeah, the Flusher. Yeah. Got it.

Tim Goalen (21:33) You got five of each set or four of each set. So depending on your mood, you pick whatever set you want and go to town.

Bryan Koontz (21:41) I think when we talked at OR, I think your wife handed me the early prototype pack or something, but whoever wrote the marketing copy on the back of that, like, and I'll leave it as a mystery. So people have to like get it to check it out. That's genius. Genius marketing.

Tim Goalen (21:49) No.

Yeah, hey, we got a little creative and you know, it's obviously a topic that some people don't love to approach, but we're just going to approach it head on. So

Bryan Koontz (21:59) It's awesome.

You know, look, you're just covering the entire body. Anything needs wiped, any part, you got it covered. Yeah, that's fine. So where do you think this company's gonna go? I mean, you got a lot to build on with the products you have, of course, but any thoughts on that so far? Or are you just like, are you just focused on the here and now?

Tim Goalen (22:08) You're totally safe, yep, yep.

Yeah, we... No, no, we're, I mean, we're projecting out. Obviously, we wanna be in every convenience store, gas station, grocery store, because a lot of times, I...

didn't pack exactly what I needed, right? And so I want to be able to drop by a gas station, grab whatever items I need, right? And so our projection in the next five years is to be in a lot more retailers, a lot more stores accessible to the person who is forgetful, just like me, right? Or if you didn't and you are a smart guy, you can order on our website, you can order on Amazon, you can pick it up at Shields or Sportsman or any of those other hunting areas

Bryan Koontz (22:48) Gotcha.


Tim Goalen (23:04) you are already getting all of your gear and it's right there. So, yeah, we like to say that we are kind of like a we're like a Red Bull monster meets like Charmin. Right. Which is kind of a unique baby that would make. Right. But we're looking to be a household name and we plan to in the next five to 10 years. No question to where people understand. Oh, you know, I just I just Klean Freak real quick and I'm good to go. And it will be in the common language.

Bryan Koontz (23:17) Got it. Sure.

I Klean Freaked real quick. Right, right. Yes. Get out of here smelly guy. Go get go become a Klean Freak and come on back to me. Stuff like go Klean Freak. Love it. So a product that should be in every hunters pack probably every guides pack it's probably a good idea as a guide whether you're a fishing guide in a boat or whatever and if you're a hunting guide to have a bunch of these have a pack of them and hand it out to your client what a nice thing to say hey you look a little sweaty here let me.

Tim Goalen (23:33) Yeah.

Go, yeah, go Klean Freak. Go Klean Freak. We're going to make it a verb, an action item. So, yep.

Bryan Koontz (24:00) you know, hand a couple of these to you just as an extra little customer service thing to do. That's probably not a bad idea as a guide.

Tim Goalen (24:05) Absolutely, and especially for a buck a buck and a quarter or whatever it is I mean you're giving that to them that's going above and beyond and what I would suggest I mean if you're in a boat, you're on the river. It's hot Keep it in the cooler. Like I said, then you can take out your beverage out of the cooler You take the peppermint out of the cooler. It's ultra refreshing I mean, it's nice and cold on a hot summer day that goes above and beyond and your customers your clients They're definitely gonna love it

Bryan Koontz (24:20) Yeah, I like that.

And if you're an outfitter, let's say you have a lodge, I know like here in Montana, the archery season's opening up like real soon. Don't you guys sell like tubs of these things? Cause they could, or some bigger, not just these bags, but like something that the lodge could have sitting there where, hey, get up in the morning, grab breakfast, it's time to head out with your guide, grab a couple of those out of the tub, throw them in your pack kind of thing. Yeah, there you go. That thing, that's what I was thinking of. That's one, right, right.

Tim Goalen (24:39) Mm-hmm.

That's the jug right there. We call that the jug, right? That's got 120 wipes in it. Yeah, and that again, on the inside, you've got the pouch, you've got what we call the filler, right? And that's gonna have ultra thick, you know, material that's gonna keep the moisture in there. Again, three years shelf life on that. I've even left it open, the jug open, you know, you dry Utah heat, I let it open for three weeks. And just the part that was exposed out of the jug was the only thing that dried out.

Bryan Koontz (24:59) The jug.

Yeah, I see.

Got it.

Tim Goalen (25:24) So that was really important to us, is the stuff not drying out. And that's why we came up with the jug. But yes, the jug would be perfect in the lodge. So once they get back, they can just quickly freshen up and they're gonna grab their own dinner, grab a drink or whatever they need to right after a day of hunting. And that's perfect for it.

Bryan Koontz (25:32) Yeah. Right.

Sounds awesome, man. Well, Tim, I really appreciate getting the download on Klean Freak. I hope everyone else who watches this does too. And I wish you the best of luck. It's awesome that we're continuing to work with you at Guidefitter. And so thanks again for your time. And maybe we'll do a follow-up a couple months from now and see where you're at with the next product you come up with.

Tim Goalen (25:54) Yeah.

We'll love it Brian. Yeah, thanks so much for having me on and we love being with Guidefitter and the association we have with you guys. So again, thanks for having me on.

Bryan Koontz (26:09) Awesome. Thanks, Tim. Appreciate it.

Tim Goalen (26:11) All right.