Big Game Hunting Trips

1690 Outfitters that offer Big Game Hunting Trips found.We're here to help you plan your next hunting adventure. The best deer, elk, bear and other big game outfitters in Texas, Colorado and beyond are right here on Guidefitter.
BlueSky Outfitting
Moose HuntsFrom $5,500 to $10,000
Smoky River No. 130 • Our moose hunts are a fun, exciting hunt in an area that has a very high population of moose. This is a a physically easy hunt with 90% to 100% success rate on 35 to 45 inch wide bulls with the possibility for a 50 inches. We are committed to a policy of 100% "fair chase" and stress principles and ethics above all else. When you hunt with us you'll know why our moose hunting is some of the best offered anywhere. A fun, exciting hunt for the largest big game animal in North America. An area that has a very high population of Bison.
Muskox Hunting in Northwest TerritoriesStarting from $20,000
Northwest Territories • Barren Ground Muskox Hunts The Muskox is a signature statement in any trophy room. This is a pinnacle hunt, you are seeking to successfully hunt one of the ancient pre historic animals in Canada. There is no better place to hunt the largest Barren Ground Muskox in the Arctic then Aylmer Lake Lodge. The Barren Ground sub species are 15% larger in body and horn size than it's cousin the Greenland Muskox. The hide on the Muskox is simply stunning. The area you will be hunting has never been commercially hunted. Our lodge is located in this new hunting zone. It's a brand new area in the NWT, Canada. You are hunting in the rut season so the Muskox are herded up for breeding. You will be witnessing the fighting between dominant bulls. When you come across a herd of Muskox it is not uncommon for multiple hunters to harvest their animal. This hunt is also conducive to archery hunters. The areas we hunt are so remote that the Muskox rarely if ever see humans.       Muskox hunts are during the most spectacular fall colours on earth. The sound of Muskox fighting the banging of skulls ringing out. The entire barren lands is vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows and the berries are bountiful and ripe. You should have opportunity to see caribou and wolves at this time of year. It's the time of year for spectacular spawning lake trout and Arctic Grayling fishing. Our Territory Our area is located in the northern barren-lands region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. We are located past the boreal forest into the barren-lands, that are renown for their giant lakes and river drainage that makes for a game rich environment. The Muskox population on the barren-lands in Unit U has been expanding and developing excellent size with populations estimated in the thousands. You will be remote, which puts you in the heart of where these majestic Muskox live. Getting Here Your starting destination city is Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. You will need to fly into Yellowknife the day before on an early fight. You must attend the Environment and Natural Resources Office in Yellowknife to purchase your hunting license. The next day you will be boarding a charter flight that will fly you into the lodge to begin your hunt. We work to book early morning flights so that you are into camp to get your rifles shot and get you settled into camp and out on the Tundra hunting. Once you arrive at the charter plane your trip begins. Your flight is approximately two hours and you need to dress warm for the flight. Hunt Schedule All of our Muskox hunts are minimum 8 full days of hunting. Once you leave on the charter flight begin to look for animals out your windows they are there and it's exciting to see the activity.
H & A Outfitters,Inc.
New Mexico Elk HuntsFrom $6,500 to $12,500
New Mexico, United States • Our most popular elk hunt available is our rifle elk hunts. These hunts take place throughout New Mexico on both public and private lands. These hunts run from October through December. During the month of October the elk are still providing us with some rut activity. During November and December the bigger bulls start moving into bachelor groups, staying in areas where there's plenty of feed and water, and trying to put back the weight they lost during the rut. Once they are located, they are fairly easy to move into position for the shot. We maintain an 80% or better success rate on our rifle hunts. Average shots are 200-400 yards. Our archery elk hunts take place in Catron County in southwest New Mexico and Rio Arriba County in north central New Mexico. These areas of New Mexico are producing the top scoring bulls taken year after year in the state. We also conduct a few archery hunts on private ranches throughout the state.
New Mexico Mule Deer HuntsFrom $5,500 to $6,500
New Mexico • H&A Outfitters, Inc. offers mule deer hunts in the top trophy mule deer units in the state of New Mexico. These are limited draw units which in turn allows the bucks to reach maturity. Thanks to management, habitat and genetics, these units will continue to produce trophy class mule deer for years to come. Our rifle hunts start in late October through mid-November. This is pre-season rut. Bow hunts run from January 1 - 15. This is towards the end of the rut. Our mule deer hunts take place in the Carson National Forest and BLM and state lands in Rio Arriba County in the northwest quadrant of the state. We hunt mostly public lands in this area. It's not uncommon to see over 8-10 quality bucks a day. We take a very limited number of mule deer hunters per year and our success rate averages 80% and better, harvesting 165" to 185" class mule deer. The potential for a Boone and Crockett mule deer is a definite reality in the areas we hunt.
Archery Outfitter
Whitetail, Mule Deer, Elk, Bear, CougarFrom $1,200 to $5,000
Colville • Our whitetail hunts are tree stand hunts over feed piles and scent scrapes. Stand locations will be established months in advance to have a full log book of information on the inventory of bucks available to each stand. We will show you the folder of trail camera pictures for your stand prior to sitting, then you decide what buck you want to target. Our stands are safe, solid, and ready to hunt when you arrive. We use all types of tree stands from ladder stands to hang on stands and self climbers. Each stand has its own benefits and we use whatever is needed to accomplish as close to perfect stand location as possible. Our mule deer hunts are typically spot and stalk, but it is very common to have mule deer frequently visiting out mountain whitetail stand locations, so we will often have opportunities at both whitetail and mule deer on the same stand. Our seasons overlap during some of our season and we coordinate trip dates to include both species. We have Rocky Mountain Elk herds roaming in and out of our feeding stations as well and we can also combo deer and elk together because the seasons overlap for a few weeks out of the season. Most units are any antlered bull. During our September hunts, black bear and cougar is also open the entire month with any legal weapon. It is common for us to target bears in the morning, with a bow or rifle, then sit in a tree stand for deer and elk in the evening. We are not only in a target rich environment but we also have high quality of game in all species. Bucks over 150", bears over 350 lbs, and bull elk breaking 300" are no surprise when we see them on trail camera. You will not sit a tree stand unless it has a buck at least pope and young quality. It is your decision what you choose to harvest, as long as it is legal. We have between 30-40 stand locations and no more than 4 hunters in camp at a time. We typically book 12-14 deer hunters a year. We are very fortunate to not have to hunt our stands every week of the season. We book two weeks in September, two weeks in November and one week in December. We're able to avoid back to back deer hunters because our moose season fills the gaps. Over hunting stands is not an issue in our operation and returning clients are happy to tell you that.