Predator Hunting Trips

512 Outfitters that offer Predator Hunting Trips found.The offseason can be a restless time. Predator hunts are a great excuse to sharpen your hunting knives and throw on your boots. Book a coyote hunt in Arizona, go alligator hunting in the everglades or pursue wolves in Canada and help restore some balance to the ecosystem.
Canadian Wildlife Adventures
Arctic Wolf Hunting in Northwest TerritoriesStarting from $8,000
Northwest Territories • Arctic Wolf / Wolverine Hunts The wolf is a signature statement in any trophy room. This is a pinnacle hunt, you are seeking to successfully hunt one of the most cunning apex predators in Canada. The Arctic wolf is the premier wolf in the wolf species. The hide on these wolves is simply stunning. Expect to travel many miles by snowmobile in sleds each day with your guides looking for fresh wolf sign. When the pack is located it is not uncommon to be able to harvest more than one animal. The areas we hunt are so remote that the wolves rarely if ever see humans.       Wolf hunts are tough…maybe the toughest hunt out there. Wolves are an apex predator that is cunning and survives by its wits and stamina. To be successful you will need a lot of stamina and patience. Our Territory Our area is located in the northern barren-lands region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. We are located past the boreal forest into the barren-lands, that are renown for their giant lakes and river drainage that makes for a game rich environment. The wolf population on the barren-lands is high with populations estimated in the thousands. You will be remote, which puts you in the heart of where these majestic arctic wolves live. All of our Lodges lie within the Northwest Territory CLOSED caribou zone. The winter Mobile Bathurst Caribou closed Zone (the closed mobile zone moves with the caribou migration). Caribou are a main food source and the wolves follow the caribou herds. This is a prime area for arctic wolves and wolverines. The Hunt This is a spot and stalk hunt, which means you'll be glassing areas that have central barren-land caribou. The wolves follow the caribou, we find the caribou and the wolves will be near. You will be out hunting for ten hours a day. What to Expect Long hours travelling and glassing for wolves, you will need to come prepared mentally for long periods of sitting glassing. Absolutely ensure you are dressed appropriately to stay warm. Staying focused for the duration raises your opportunity of success to 75% success on a shot opportunity. The thrill of a success on harvesting a wolf in the depth of winter is exhilarating. Getting Here Your starting destination city is Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. You will need to fly into Yellowknife the day before on an early flight. You must attend the Environment and Natural Resources Office in Yellowknife to purchase your Wildlife certificate and your hunting license. The next day you will be boarding a charter flight that will fly you into the lodge to begin your hunt. We work to book early morning flights so that you are into camp to get your rifles shot and get you settled into camp and out on the Tundra hunting. Once you arrive at the charter plane your trip begins. Your flight is approximately two hours and you need to dress warm for the flight. Hunt Schedule All of our wolf hunts are minimum 8 full days of hunting. Once you leave on the charter flight begin to look for animals out your windows they are there and it's exciting to see the activity. When you arrive into camp you will sight in your rifle and get your gear organized. We will have a safety meeting and discuss the trip and answer any questions. Breakfast will be at 6:00am till 7:00am leaving the lodge at 8:00am. Lunch will be a bagged lunch with snacks, with thermoses and water for the day. Evenings will have you back at the lodge by 7:00pm for a hot supper, in warm accommodations and then after supper there is socializing. There will be opportunity to view the Aurora Borealis in the evenings and we encourage you to take it in. The NWT are recognized as having spectacular northern lights and you will have zero light pollution. Hunt Price $8,000.00 plus GST USD Hunt Dates: 2023/2024 2023 Feb 23 - March 3 March 3 - March 10 March 10 - March 17 March 17 - March 24 2024 Feb 23 - March 3 March 3 - March 10 March 10 - March 17 March 17 - March 24 Addition Details You are hunting 2 hunters to 1 guide What's Included: Airport transport for pick up and drop off (set time) Transport to the ski plane dock for pre scheduled chartered flight to lodge Pick up from plane straight to Environment and Natural Resources office to register your wolves and get permit to export. Professional Guide Warm Lodging and Meals Trophy care (Skinned and Salted) Not Included: Commercial flights in and out of Yellowknife Hotels before and after hunt You must bring Collapsible dry bag coolers to take your hide and skull back with you. Don't expect to buy them in Yellowknife. Gratuities (15%) Trophy permit for export and shipment fees Flight to leave camp for other than scheduled flights Due to fluctuating fuel costs, a fuel surcharge maybe applicable Current price listed above, prices are subject to change You must purchase medical evacuation insurance we use Global Rescue we have them on our website. You must purchase cancellation insurance Optional: Rifle rental $250.00 USD Non hunter/observer - $750.00 USD per day
Wolverine Hunting in Northwest TerritoriesStarting from $8,000
Northwest Territories • Apex predator hunt
Wild Eyez Outfitters
Western Oklahoma Trophy Outfitters
Quality Whitetail Deer, includes Buck, Doe & Hog!From $300 to $3,500
Olustee • 150+ average. Free Range. 30,000 acres. Our whitetail genetics are extremely unique giving our bucks big bodies, big racks and a number of stickers and kickers, splits, and even droptines. Not only are our deer unique, but their habitat is unique as well. Our farms range from the deep Red River valley to the wide open mesquite flats and wheat fields and all the way into the valleys of the Wichita Mountain Range. Your hunt includes lodging, meals, game care, assistance with game recovery and multiple pre-scouted set-ups. We are after deer that score over 140", the bigger the better! Many outfitters are known to try and "hold out" bucks, to save big deer etc, we do not. The biggest buck that is consistently showing up on camera is the one we are after with who hunts with us. We know that if we do not kill the biggest buck, someone else down the road or even worse, road hunters will, so we hunt hard and try our best to get our guys the biggest bucks possible!
Predator, Varmint & Hog hunts with WOTOFrom $250 to $3,500
Faxon • It's no secret that our country's predator population has skyrocketed over recent years. And our premier area of Oklahoma is no different. Oklahoma coyote and bobcat population has absolutely exploded over a short amount of time which has, in turn, created a huge opportunity for hunters all across the country to come harvest some nice big bobcats and coyotes. The varmint hunting opportunities at WOTO are top notch. The Oklahoma coyote population is extremely dense and must be dealt with in order for our whitetail deer and turkey population to thrive. We also have a very healthy population of bobcats that would make a wonderful trophy in any lodge or home. With over thirty thousand acres to hunt, there are plenty of areas to have the ultimate predator hunt. Our standard predator hunts are semi guided, which means we take you to and from the properties and give you a lay out on where to hunt from set to set, however we do offer self-guided hunts upon request. Facilities are avai